Jinjin Gu

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About Me


Jinjin Gu, Ph.D.

Email: jinjin.gu @ sydney.edu.au, hellojasongt @ gmail.com
Google Scholar / Orcid / Semantic Scholar / AMiner / CV
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I received my Ph.D. from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the University of Sydney, under the supervision of Prof. Wanli Ouyang and Prof. Luping Zhou in 2024. Before that, I received a Bachelor degree in Computer Science and Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (CUHKSZ) in 2020. I work closely with Prof. Chao Dong and Prof. Junhua Zhao. I also interned at the Multimedia Laboratory, SenseTime Research and Tencent PCG Applied Research Center.

I study computer vision and image processing. I am also interested in the interpretability of deep learning algorithms and the applications of machine learning in industrial.

Looking for self-motivated interns in Low-level Vision and Interpretability in Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. Please drop your CV to me if you are interested. For more information, please refer to the [Recruitment page].
